Sunday, 3 June 2012

The Friend/Business Partner

Gday, I’m the friend/business partner! Some say those two shouldn’t go hand in hand, right? I agree. But sometimes you just meet a person you click with and regardless of background, age or interests there is a feeling of trust and the potential for great things; big-time things. This is the case here.

I’m prepared for mistakes and to roll with the punches. I too don’t profess to be any kind of expert in property. But firmly believe that with energy, innovation and action we can learn pretty quickly. In today’s era everything is at our fingertips! And we are both pretty aggressive in the concept of giving things a go!

Anyway, time for the topic. I’ve had this house for five years. When I was 17 I decided to save for my first car. I saved 10k in a year and made what, in hindsight, was the best decision so far. I bought a 1988 Toyota Camry for $600 and…a house. I never intended to subdivide though.
Five years on and now understanding the market trends in Bendigo and the capital growth in the property (~9% P/A) I saw the potential of an unused backyard on a corner. Here’s an initial idea I had. There are some great free online design tools now days! (At our finger tips)                      

Streetscape View

Birds Eye View

Since this original idea the concept has evolved. The coming together of two heads and views has seen us progress toward something resembling a legitimate dwelling layout (as seen in the first blog) that will hopefully tick all the boxes and areas of discretion for the planners.

It’s quite an exciting time at the moment putting a vision onto paper and establishing all the required contacts. At this stage it’s all going incredibly smoothly…maybe too smooth (?) but time will tell and so will we! 

Not familiar with the Victorian (Australia) planning system? This diagram sums it up. We are at the 'before making the application' part.

Planning Permit Process

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